Wednesday, July 14, 2010

It's a start.

Six months ago today, Mike and I departed for Praia, Cape Verde and our first tour with the Foreign Service.

Before departure, I promised a blog
Upon arrival, I promised a blog
When I returned from my first visit back in the US, I promised a blog
When we moved into our permanent house in May, I promised a blog

But now that we are reaching this six month milestone I will finally deliver.

I am typing to you from our beautiful home in Terra Branca, literally translated as White Earth which I find delightfully ironic. It is a more “up and coming” area of Praia, but our house is nestled in this quiet cul-de-sac amongst many families with young children, so we feel very safe here. Our neighbors are generous and kind, hosting block parties with delicious barbeque and following up by bringing us a Bolo de Chorizo (sausage cake). This is a bundt cake made with cornmeal and small bits of Portuguese chorizo. This may sound gross to many, but I have always preferred a french fry to a chocolate cake so it is my dream “bolo.”

As seen in the photos (link below), our home has a beautiful pool in the front yard that we use almost daily. The only one who doesn't seem to really care for it is Strela the dog. Our home has become the host to many children in Cape Verde as they swim to get away from the summer's heat, which I have to say is probably cooler than the East Coast this summer. Pool Fridays with Kelly and Peace Corps Jenny have relocated from the Embassy pool to the Ralles pool for easier access to food and drink.

We also have two guest bedrooms, which means we expect visitors. Those who have visited (Seth, Mike, Lily, Rachel, Susie, and Scott) can attest to the fact that not only is Cape Verde a gorgeous setting, not only is our house big and pool relaxing (sorry to Seth, who slept on the couch in our small temporary apartment), not only is the Strela beer flowing and the Strela dog jumping all over you for attention, but Mike and I love having guests and everyone is welcome!

Até já em Cabo Verde! See you soon in Cape Verde!

Follow our photos on Flickr as well as the ones posted here at:

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations Rach, big accomplishment here (the blog)! I hope Mike hasn't been too bored as you slaved over this fine creation. ;)

    Strela looks great and so glad you kept the name! Luckily yes, she's turned out quite cute... you can check that concern off the list.

    And I'm glad that as many visitors do come, I will always be the first. On the couch and sans pool... roughing it, ha.

    Happy all's going so well and continue to enjoy!!

    All the best,
